Announcing The Coffee Fox Roasting Co!

You've heard the rumors and maybe even tried our new coffees, but we are very excited to formally announce The Coffee Fox Roasting Co!

Late last year, our team began sourcing and roasting our own coffees out of our Louisville Road location. Production roaster Kim Spera started roasting all the espresso and drip for the Foxy cafes across Savannah, then cold brew, and now with the addition of a second roaster, The Coffee Fox has expanded to single origin and retail offerings.

Now available for purchase are the 12oz retail bags of our four core coffees (Foxy Blend, Flywheel Espresso, Knockout Cold Brew, and Halftone Decaf) along with seasonal single origin coffees. Bags are available online and in all of the Foxy Family of cafes (Foxy Loxy CafeHenny Penny Art Space & Cafe, Fox & Fig Cafe and both locations of The Coffee Fox). 2 and 5lb retail bags will also be available this spring.

The bags were designed by The Coffee Fox’s long-time collaborator and designer,Kay WolferspergerofHouse of Kindling. The bag’s unique design was influenced by both Kay and cafe owner Jennifer Jenkin’s history as printmakers and love of letterpress type.

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